
Each tattoo artist may have different aftercare methods based on their style. After your tattoo is completed, your tattoo artist will explain the aftercare method you need to follow according to the technique they used. Below, you can review the details of the methods and ensure that your tattoo heals in the best possible way.

For second-skin bandages

While your tattoo is covered with a second skin, you are mostly free to go about your day as usual. The material used is a version of a medical material also used in surgical procedures, adapted for tattoos. It is water-resistant, so you can shower while wearing it, but we recommend avoiding prolonged exposure to water as it might sometimes seep in. To prevent wear on the bandage and tattoo, we suggest wearing loose clothing.
When the bandage is on, you may notice slight moisture accumulating underneath, causing the tattoo to appear blurry. This is plasma from your skin, which helps the healing process by bringing micro-ink particles to the surface. This is completely normal and aids in the healing process.
We recommend keeping the second skin bandage on for a maximum of 3 days after your appointment. After this period, gently stretch the bandage in the direction it was applied while holding it under warm water to remove it. Since the bandage adheres tightly to your skin, you will need to apply some force when removing it. If there are ink particles on the bandage, don't panic; these are micro-ink particles that have dried on the bandage. If the bandage causes any discomfort or begins to peel off before the 3-day period, remove the bandage and use coconut oil to moisturize your tattoo 4 times a day for 2 weeks (apply a small amount of coconut oil gently over the entire tattoo).
Additionally, during the first week after removing the bandage, we recommend washing your tattoo with antibacterial (colorless) soap twice a day (morning and evening).
So, what is the aim of aftercare? Clearly, the goal of all aftercare methods is to keep your tattoo clean and moist during the healing process to ensure better and smoother healing. Please do not use more or less cream or wash than recommended. Using cream 10 times a day when 4 times is recommended can be just as harmful as not using enough cream.

For plastic-wrap

When you get home, remove your bandage, then wash the area with warm water and a gentle, colorless antibacterial liquid soap.
Depending on your artist's preference, it may be recommended to rewrap the tattoo before bed. This helps prevent the tattoo from drying out, reduces irritation from movement during the night, and prevents blood or ink from staining your sheets while also controlling the flow of plasma (the fluid discharge from the skin after tattooing).
If your artist suggests rewrapping your tattoo, remove the bandage the next day, rinse the area (as described in the previous step), and start moisturizing your tattoo with coconut oil. If your artist recommended a different cream, please follow your artist's instructions regarding the method and frequency of cream application.

General tattoo aftercare
and recommendations

For approximately 2 weeks after removing the bandage, we recommend using coconut oil (cold-pressed coconut butter) 3 to 6 times a day (or as advised by your tattoo artist) or as needed. Apply a smooth, thin layer to the tattoo (just enough to cover it). Do not over-saturate the area with lotion, as this can harm the healing process and pull the pigment back out.
We suggest avoiding intense exercise for 2 weeks, as contact with unhealthy surfaces, abrasive clothing, and sweat can cause irritation, additional scarring, and even infection. Additionally, if you live with a pet, ensure your tattoo does not come into contact with pet hair during the first week while it is still an open wound. Although rare, this can lead to infection.
While your tattoo is still healing (within the first 2 weeks to 1 month), avoid submerging it in water, such as in a pool, sea, or ocean, and avoid prolonged direct sunlight exposure. Exposure to water can cause serious and life-threatening infections, and direct sunlight can excessively dry out the healing area or cause premature fading.
Lastly, we kindly request that you send us a high-resolution photo of your tattoo 2 months after its completion. We want to see how it has healed. Although it is your tattoo, it is also our art, and it is very important to us that it looks fantastic for the rest of your life. Your body is a gallery, and you are showcasing the art of Monolith Studio artists. If you believe a touch-up is necessary, feel free to highlight/explain specific areas, and our artists will review and perform any necessary touch-ups.

Monolith Studio

77 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn,
NYC, USA,11205
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